I guess this is a better place to talk about this instead of running the risk of being annoying in the other thread but about those beings i mentioned before. Is it possible for them to possess others? there were a few times something like that happened and i'm having a difficult time telling if they really did possess people or said people are doing a bit. When i recounted a conversation the i had with someone the day prior, said person had no recollection of it and when i showed them a screencap of it they genuinely did not remember a thing. it was a while ago but it scared the me shitless. That aside it feels like they've become a bit more possessive in regard to me and the usual "you're meant to be with us/belong with us, even in death sister." plus some other things are happening but am unsure about talking about it here out of fear of miscommunicating something. That aside i keep vividly recalling the mansion they take me to and how beautiful it is...
>>3864 I got IFU on both tests and while reading, i can't make heads or tails if means that's a bad thing or good thing