Sunflower 08/21/2023 (Mon) 23:27 Id: ead4b9 No.3897 del
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I have no idea who just came in, I see a green body which appears like a Michelin man. When I was a kid I didn't know the difference between this tire guy and the marshmallows man as seen in Ghostbusters
At first I felt like Baal sent in some minion to keep the spot warm, but now you look more like a weird martian. But right now, I feel more like this is someone Adremelech sent, because there are two deals so Baal will let you (him) come back later again to maintain contact. While you work on those 375 years of servitude in between, someone else will come in here to protect the body and gain some knowledge. Maybe you are a minion of Adremmelech?