Sunflower 09/23/2023 (Sat) 17:48 Id: 0ba135 No.4351 del
>That shit with the 500.000 population
> this number was not an agreed upon "goal". The Georgia Guidestones
The new printed version of this book from some 15 years ago had a foreword by Isac Asimov, "the father of robotics". In this text he describes how we would need 8 times the current Earth's resources if the entire population was to live with the standard of the USA. He proposes the solution to instead reduce the population to 1/8th of the current size. I believe the figure stems from this line of thought. He does mention the 500 000 number.

Another way of solving this is to not have USA level wasteful consumption. If everyone instead had the living standard of Africa we could probably afford a population 4 times as large. On the condition that we also achieve Japanese level discipline...