11/11/2023 (Sat) 23:36
Id: d238bc
This is somewhat of a side track, but some of these trolls - occultists refining karma or making deals with infernal demons - are really as strong as they said in youtube vids some years ago. There used to be talk of how some people had made deals with devils to make themselves bulletproof and knife-proof and some mafia bosses were like this and couldn't be harmed or arrested so they'd keep their city in an iron grip with no one being able to remove them.
I've had an avatar out on auto-pilot to attack evil hives in the past few days, and after clearing that iron cross structure, what remained seemed like just some small cult bases with unimportant glowies. But omg are these resilient. I made an avatar which uses qi gong protection like a samurai uses their shoulder plates, taking a hit on the armour instead of parrying to then kill the enemy who is left open. Because it's qi gong, there is no visible armour though, and the hits will just not do damage, they still do hit.
This fucking troll she just met, this ended up in a locked position with knives pressed against each others' throats and neither being able to cut through for several minutes.