01/03/2024 (Wed) 20:37
Id: 43e343
>>5551>"They" being the Anglos, or "They" being the Jews themselves?You asked quite the good question the short answer is Yes. The long answer is I meant the anglos but at that time the anglos were highly controlled by the Rothschild & co brigade who were "jews" but they were the "merchant jews" that the Orthodox jews hate because they think themselves so powerful and so "above them" because of that money and how they can "move the world" with it and everytime they do anything for the jews it's never altruism it's always a "gift" with a million strings attached.
And that tribal nepotistic attitude they have usually backfires when these grifters appear with the "please help me my fellow jews" while they are down and when they are up they shit on their brethren because they are still "backwards superstitious retards" that go around circles not achieving anything without realizing that not achieving anything is still better than RUINING EVERYTHING. The people who call themselves "jews" did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and accepting that this state of Israel is the "real thing" would mean that they accepted those who gave it as the Messiah. And accepting a "false Messiah" is something the Lord will punish you harshly. Not just because he will punish you personally but he will just simply not protect you from the consequences of your retardation.
>quasi-suicidal patterns and concepts from themThey have a lot. My favorite as it was brought up before is the "scapegoat". Imagine trading the "sinful parts of your soul" to a "not sinned goat soul". That means you are a goat now and goat laws apply to you. Good job. Then you sin again and trade more parts of your halfgoat soul to a goat so God does not punish you. The chosen of God is a goat now. Then they will be asked are you a goat or a sinful retard just to confirm who are you. Then he will say I am no sinful retard therefor I must be a goat! This is how these "loopholes" work. You just fuck yourself over more while thinking you "won the game".
>trying to exploit the alchemies of death and rebirth without actually dying firstEven in Buddhism and Hinduism they say a lot that the you have to get rid of the "fear of death" otherwise you will not be able to access the higher truths. The fear of death is almost a bigger hurdle than those pesky earthly desires. This is why Jesus had to get crucified. He had to understand what he is actually "preaching". He knew on some level that this is unavoidable but did not know why. With that he fulfilled a sacred alchemy requirement but managed to create an almost death cult which is sadly still better than the original one.
>"if we make everyone believe this happened then it actually did happen"God experiences the world through us so if the collective experience says "it happened" then God will also believe it. That is their thinking. They think the experience of God happens through sentient and observable beings. God is not a "majority" God is THE ALL. If a single speck of existence doubts then God doubts.
>Brute force attempts to steer the collective-consciousness like a horseJews were never really the masters of horses.