Sunflower 11/23/2023 (Thu) 23:35 Id: 43e343 No.5079 del
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>just imagine what they can cook up.

No wai. Those echo chambers can circulate the worst energies and I don't want to imagine what kind of virgin chad memes they are drawing with their superior NEET powers. Especially if they are unfunny

>form of an astral suicide ritual
Yeah in that Pagoda I have an "urge" to stab myself because the "auto-evil-purge" ways. So as I want to grab my serrated katana and want to stab myself because the "devil is within me" I have to realize how this instinct works and stop this "reflex" and find the pathways that contain the "evil" because my negative energies are becoming alive and "If I give them life I am responsible to give them death". So I kinda kill myself 10 times a day according to my guides. It should be a proper energy circulation that kinda "heals itself" and not this. It has an aftereffect ofc that I auto fill every suicide ritual requirement and if a lower level being reads my mind and merges with a low energy demon instead of my higher minds then it will just instantly get overwhelmed with the feeling of autosuicide. It's still not healthy tho.

Also Ukraine is a literal killbox as of now it's just some "Players" need to take the "positions" first. TE-HE-HE~

>It's nothing too big it's just a woman i met through 4chan thread
one with a womb? or should I take the Astolfo you posted as a clue. He never claimed to be a woman tho.
>rant about women one time so
Uhm. I am not seeing that I need to know details because it seems you are now better understanding healthy relationship mechanics but...
>not too sure how to really put myself in range because ironically enough my sense of direction and such is not good
It's an 4th+ dimensional direction you will get the hang of it don't worry. Also once your intuition gets booted up your sense of direction will improve.

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