11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:29
Id: 43e343
>>4923K so "counter revolutionary" is a retarded consumer and their "masters" that want to make more retarded consumers. K got it. No wonder I did not get this. I hate those people by default and they are on my elimination list because I don't consider them "people" at all.
>The vocabulary has already been installed on this planetYeah this is how I got
>>4921>those who want the return of the old false/failed orderfigured out but
>but your emotional patterns are still linked to the process of installation and not the concept body itself.Yeah I'm feeling the installation for a while but
I got a dossier now
And ofc I have to tune my other body layers to be able to access/comprehend the information.
>first it looks like a regular folder with papers in it
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