Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 22:18 Id: d3d7e7 No.8592 del
>You are holding back on many levels that is for sure. Mostly because you don't know how to exert yourself upon yourself or upon others well enough.
I-i know...

>Ereshkigal rules over the underworld officially. But we don't know enough about Mesopotamian entities nowadays to say for sure what is her complete authority.
ahh that makes sense

>The thing is... there are too many things going on at once and I am not sure which causing what effect anymore. But yes there are several awakening forces at play and... who knows. Keep your eyes and ears open for the moments of opportunities and wonder.
you mean in regard to me? also i have been slowly trying to move my communications during the day instead of it just being at night so there's slightly more progress on that front

some more things have been happening a few nights ago, i was being pursued by some disfigured mutants that were similar to william birkin's G form from resident evil 2 and they were chasing me down. for whatever reason, when i was evading their pursuit (i did hit them a few times) and i got corned but... they didnt attack me, at all. it was like they were waiting on me like pets or something. I think i mentioned her in passing but that bipolar women i talked about before, yeah... i think she's probably gone for good this time. Some stuff happened (i got super stressed and annoyed) broke off stuff with them and during a conversation with that friend my sister kind of took control of me and essentially said she could go fuck herself so theres that.