Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 10:34 Id: 3d1764 No.8441 del
I then found something to be wrong with the main gates to the garden, facing the road outside. The left gate was open, the right gate was missing. These are heavy iron gates from the early 1900s or late 1800s. The scene which met me when I walked closer was "occult" indeed.

The right gate had been taken off from its hinges and was flat on the ground. On the gate lay a dead reindeer. Its nose was stuck in between the vertical iron bars. It seemed to have, somehow, lifted the gate off its hinges and then getting stuck with the nose between the gate and the ground on the other side of gate through the bars. It still made little sense because it was a small reindeer and a large heavy gate.

I had Astra looking at the sigil and what it did, as I still recalled it, and got the result that it was a protective shield created by my people on my "moon" space station. Whatever the hell was blocked, I need to look closer into. I have experienced dead beetles on the floor after clearing out evil spirits, and for large things there have been dead birds outside. But never something as large as a reindeer. At least not around here. After I cleared out "evil gods" in large numbers during covid, using drow rituals, there were multiple reports over the country of people finding dead deer in strange places. Remains of butchered deer in the garage outside a suburb housing compound, and same kind of stuff floating ashore on small populated islands outside the coast.

I never happened in this manner right here though.