Sunflower 08/07/2024 (Wed) 21:48 Id: 5f28e8 No.8588 del
And I am not sure what is happening either but 2 days ago I had quite an awakening how I can finally unify my male and female principle further and yesterday I realized that now I can finally remove the "devil" from my body. And by the "devil" I mean a sort of built in diabolical principle I have in my mind that I can let "take over some situations" because most mundanes cannot resist that. It's like temptation personified and using that mentality allows me to do almost anything but whenever I use it I know exactly that I am walking on thin ice and rarely use it outside of a "party trick" level way of social entertainment. I need at least 3 drinks and an inclination to become the life of a party and I rarely care enough to do that. It has a deep gender dynamic how it works with the darker parts of the psyche with every person but I don't want to get into that now.

What is related is that while yesterday I know where I should look for the "devil signature" within me I found an Anubis statue in lotus position being happy that it is allowed to "Bathe in my energies". Was wondering wtf... is this my "wolf energies of my subconscious"? or some other force fucking with me? Went and grabbed it's neck to test and I felt my own hand upon myself which means it has correspondences with my body.
What I gathered so far that the principle I should master is the "abyss howl".
What I understand so far that the abyss howl means that being able to "howl" your signature so well in the abyss that it shapes the entire abyss by default without "trying". It's a sort of ability of self manifestation. I could say it's the thing that I try with my "true expression" but this is "Before" expression and not even on the level of an "intent" because it's just the mere howl itself that says nothing but hearing it makes you understand everything it tries to signify even if the howl is not even intentional of sorts but a pain a desire or just a mere reaction for something. It's like a realization that can only appear as a howl.

I have my own wolf spirits and instincts built within my persona so I am not sure how this relates at all. Not sure if we are part of a bigger thing or this is some archetypal energy resonance.

But I got weird signs today. Maybe the underworld is in motion for some reason. We will see where it leads I guess.