Sunflower 07/29/2024 (Mon) 23:43 Id: 5f28e8 No.8481 del
>she coiled around me like snake and smiled, seemingly glad she "caught me"
Hard to explain what she is exactly but she is a "force" within the body. Once you tame it you can transform yourself the way you want to be. Don't expect her to be gentle. You will have to understand the true forces of your light and shadow so "she" will accept you as her "master" the one and only true owner of the soul. Looking at her made my extra hands generate a bunch of sacrificial daggers and a pendulum. Her nature is not easy to explain
You just found an another companion that might have been around on your journeys. She is not the same as your sisters but not that different either.
>we do activities together and i have to watch her sleep
Can you describe them? Was thinking maybe this is the "subconscious watches your for the conscious while it's asleep" being "switched" but no this is something else. She is not just a mere "mechanism" there is some special fondness in this whole thing. Hard to say what she is. Try to meet with her.
>after all was said and done she was please and had me wear a suit of mecha armor like hers. it was really fucking painful to put because instead of being a button or whatever like hers, i had to put it on like shirt and i had to make a lot of squeezing through to fit it. afterwards it worked like hers
>we were also on some island and loli was the one helping her and saying she's doing this to "welcome me back"
Uh... that's how you break through/expand your dantians so to speak.
>i have the strange desire to work on my speech
You will have to retain your "original expression" and not be shackled the current way you talk and think. Once the words come out naturally you will understand. Definitely work on it. As the energies awaken you will notice that several things in the past that were "Normal" suddenly feel uncomfortable and you want to change how you do things altogether. That is the way of growth. When the energies of the soul shape your current form no matter what physical ailments you have. I have done several transformations also by merely learning to express and move my energies better.
>My connection to kiara
Which Kiara are we talking about again? Might continue this conversation later it's real late here