Sunflower 08/02/2024 (Fri) 22:34 Id: eea2b4 No.8548 del
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>Yes you are definitely an airhead but it's still a better symptom than the previous shitpost addicted retard mental routine you were trapped in. You should try to really use your ears and work with them during daytime more intently and figure out your own source of willpower.
Slowly I have been doing that, in particular "other me" has been more talkative and such, as well as a few times of hearing my sisters. I still have the occasional moments of getting contacted by other beings akin to a person calling the wrong phone number sometimes and I have been trying to work in what my grandmother has been telling in regard to worshipping and giving God some of my time (obviously in this case it's with my sisters and the other entities I work with but you get the point)

>You posted a doggirl so this is the metaphor you get. My creative way of expression is not really blossoming today
Funnily enough she's a fox girl, one of my favorites character from that honkai gacha that came out last year, her name is huohuo.

The way you talk is your expression and true expression comes from your heart/soul. You are literally re-configuring and defragmenting your internal energy flows so you can attain your own "true art". It's an absolute quagmire until you figure out the natural flow. It will feel awkward and sloppy until you find the way.
Her personality (actual personality, not my shitpost Internet/mundane personality) mine are really similar apparently, according to my sisters and the close friend I mentioned before who helps with this stuff. It does feel close to how I was/should/want to be in all honesty...

>You will have to learn to walk "besides them" and not just barely being able to follow them.
They are giving me more battle/magic practice to do instead of what they did before so it's a start I suppose