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Zero sum game Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 12:37 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No. 8153
Use this sigil for contact.

This is a race of demons based on the principles of maintaining decent and balanced connections with others. You may use their services "for free" as a Sunflower associate. The main point of entry should be by letting your anima become incarnated astrally as one of them. This way, she gains full mobility and can work to achieve the transformation state which we call the zero sum game.

This means, that all of your karmic relations are broken, and the external world is to you an object, like a machine, a clockwork operating on its own. When in this state, you gain full mobility and agency, as you are not entangled in the situations relevant for your progress. Rather than experiencing bias based on your karmic relations from the past, clouding your vision and preventing the correct course of action, you will see clearly and make the right choices.

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 12:42 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No.8154 del
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Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 15:34 Id: fa611c [Preview] No.8155 del
>This means, that all of your karmic relations are broken, and the external world is to you an object, like a machine, a clockwork operating on its own. When in this state, you gain full mobility and agency, as you are not entangled in the situations relevant for your progress.

Does this apply to the person themselves(the physical person left behind) or only the anima that's astrally incarnated? Isnt splitting the anima from your soul kinda bad?

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 16:19 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No.8156 del
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I think I need to reference this properly from the beginning.
This is the text from Zhuan Falun which mentions "law bodies" or "gong bodies". It's implied these will evolve automatically, but I found this to not be the case
which is why I came up with the body transformation process which is simply forcing the thing to happen. This works.

Tulpas are a method created by Tibetan monks, those on /x/ do not know what it's for. It's mind-creation. The switching is one major and important aspect. I practiced this way back in the beginning, when I was treating tulpas as a way to outsource mental processes. I then dissolved them later to incorporate the learning into my main mind.

This was how I found that I had a tulpa I could switch with already. At the time I was not aware of this, but this was a parallel incarnation which I had at the same time, elsewhere. I've later come to realize that when I went in to assume control of this life and body, I already had inserted aspects of myself in a number of other locations simultaneously. I guess if you want to succeed when incarnating, don't place all your bets on the same horse.

Because it was done at the same time, my awareness was here, but the other lives were also me, just from this view those were "lower mental processes".

This is how the process described in the OP is meant: you send the layer of your female aspect which corresponds with the demon race to be incarnated as one of them. To her, the current you is her animus in a parallel dimension. Your soul hasn't split any more than if you had a tulpa, it's just that there is a dimensional separation, it's not a separation within you. What you learn over there is directly available to you here, appearing as if it came from an automatic mental process (which is does, it's just outsourced into a separate body instead of being a tulpa in the same body).

Sunflower 06/26/2024 (Wed) 21:36 Id: 4af9fb [Preview] No.8157 del
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Sunflower 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:34 Id: fa611c [Preview] No.9021 del
Alright the zero sum game lolis can incarnate the demon layer of my anima there.

Sunflower 09/17/2024 (Tue) 00:17 Id: 41f194 [Preview] No.9027 del
i think i might have incarnated my entire anima instead of the demonic layer.

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