The gates have been closed. Those of you reading this are now at a minimum on the bottom level of our -2D, which is hell. Whoever didn't walk through the gates by accepting the standard down there, cannot enter Genso-earth. They will disperse into other dimensions (but since they were still in -1D and hadn't moved yet, most likely they will be burned up by the process of karma collapsing back at them because they are attached to what they did in old earth).
As you may start to notice, the rules are different here. There is indeed no "time by Kronos", but there also is no fixed border between the three realms. Humans and other flora and fauna will still incarnate and have a cyclical process, but there will be non of the sudden punishment after dying. That was something from old earth. We like to call that the standard of the wilderness, which is very sinister. You could be lead along by a trickster all your life and receive no negative feedback, then final punishment out of nowhere. We won't do that. Rather, a person will find themselves physically ascending to heaven or descending into hell gradually based on their way of life. The dimensions around you will hint at where you are. Social standards will change and you will only meet nasty people if you are in hell, as an example. This will take place while incarnated in your regular body. Everyone will be able to know exactly where they are, because it's the same place/situation they currently are living in. For simplicity in further messages we will call new earth Genso-earth and old earth wild-earth, these are fitting labels.
What you are still experiencing as the society of wild-earth, is by now entirely based on your own karma. It exists only for you, all events are scripted and played out by dummies so that you can fulfil your potential. It's illusory and a manifestation of hell. The threshold will be if you are able to see through this illusion and leave it, or remain in it.