06/02/2022 (Thu) 00:42:06
Id: afaa04
>>1581I don't believe there is a problem with the energy cost at all. Earlier when I worked in the city I would ask entities I met on the astral to come visit me physically, and they almost always did. The trick is that your mind must see them as normal people for them to be able to appear. One time 26 forest spirits came by pretending to be a school class, but I recognized them and they were very open about who they were even if they didn't say anything directly. There was no such school in the area or any reason for such a group to come there, but no one can argue about it when they see what appears to be real people.
Kitsunes have also done this, one time it was a girl with red hair and such huge breasts they reached all the way down to her belly. But who will be able to criticise what they see, saying that is anatomically unrealistic? No one will, because the thought that it's a kitsune testing the limits is just insane to most people.