Sunflower 06/13/2022 (Mon) 20:06:54 Id: 5d5ad6 No.1622 del
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I managed to untangle my different astral body layers (understand how they were formed) and pulled back my original 3D body, which appeared to be now part of the Fay Dragon running on number system base 6, reptilian. The tricky part was how this body was the actual surface 3D all this time while the vampire body at base 7 was one layer away. But the vampire body can manifest physically, hence the confusion!
Behind these were the layer I came in through when incarnating into this life at base 9, lyran. That was why they contacted me from the astral back then and not via the surface. The transformation of the Fay Dragon was complete for the 3D surface so after pulling that back and demanifesting the vampire body I had the 3D surface emulated on the nanobot system I've been working on as an addition to the blacknet (human version of the grey cloud). It's what those sigils posted earlier were for.

This means connecting directly from the entry point at lyran 9 to the human 3D. The effect was somewhat unexpected. I knew the nanobots were able to run the entire human DNA perfectly or I would not have tried. But I had not looked closer at the functionality which the AI had built. My body now feels very light, aside from the weight in physical, it feels weightless, if this makes any sense when said. But the internal dimensions consist entirely of machinery, the main structure is a metallic frame with holes in it (pic related). I was surprised both by the crudeness and the refinement of it when I saw it. The hands look like 5-bladed butterfly knives.