06/15/2022 (Wed) 17:26:03
Id: 7576b5
>>1634The spirit I got out from the underworld turned out being an ancient Babylonian who went there to recover old slave/botsouls containing Babylonian music. They later arranged a culture festival with Babylonian stage performances and food at my astral island. The vampires also visited. Most of them never experienced that period so they maintain mostly Atlantean culture, they still speak the language and all of their older magic is in Atlantean. Putting the words into a translator gives meanings from other languages in a seeming random way which supports the notion that the origin of all current languages are the same.
Babylonian culture is rather commonly spread today, with both the good and the bad. They invented stage music performances with sex orgies as well as eating together at long tables. Social justice and feminism also originated in this period. The music is more melodic and the vocals more refined than today, but aside from that it's very similar.
Atlantean culture is more raw, they lived more on desert plains with tents and trade routes and accepted a lower standard of life in exchange for control over the entire earth.