07/04/2022 (Mon) 18:26:02
Id: 972fd5
>>1683>I thought the way to completing our personality was to become the "True-Self"I thought this way too when I found what is truly my "self" (It was not entirely in my body it was "outside" waiting for me). But when I named it "true-self" the energies that came from the self stopped coming through. Because the true self implies a false self. It creates duality. And if I am not the true self then I am the false self. And if I think that way I will never be my"self". I started to discard and expand my personality to find more of the truth. It made me a little crazy and unstable so I am rebuilding it now. But yeah the self is like a picture. It's "limited" in a sense. You can't be everything at once all the time while still in the "mind". You can expand it. Currently I am doing something like adding a 2nd and 3rd monitor to the PC. But to do this you have to get all the "dust" off from the first monitor. You have to as you said it become someone
>not hindered by ego, fears, traumas and mental blocks and acts the way its soul wants tobut watch out as you let go of all your attachments you will feel lost. being very free is the same as being lost. My soul wanted to leave my body when I discarded too much. It was scary. I had to remake and reaffirm my ego so my spirit stays in this body instead of going everywhere. But then as I rebuilt myself I pulled back all the discarded traumas but they were formless and more chaotic. You need to find some "solution" to your traumas and fears or they get worse. The goal is to
>know thyselfafter that you can reach any heights.
Currently I am perfecting my "3D" "hivemind" ability. Instead of this
>>1680 approach I'm trying to stay with the "original" vampire approach. The completing and unification of the "bodies" so the whole thing can travel and teleport at once. And if I don't want to teleport I biolocate or project my mind. Gods use "avatars" for a reason. You just have to establish a main realm or "paradise" as your "main base" then project from there. Currently my mind has a bunch of mini souls that make up a big one. Not servitors or tulpas. I got it from a weird ritual that was given to me. My intent comes out more easily from my head. When I think of something people instantly understand me around me. Makes conversations more fast and simple. This way I have more saying in the "local collective conscious". If you are one with the spirit you can understand and correct it better. People can be smart and reasonable they are usually just hindered before they can become their best self. If you can help them become that everyone's life becomes more easy.