07/04/2022 (Mon) 19:52:44
Id: 18a657
>>1687>learn to make the rain manifestation more "gentle". Like learning to cast a proper 3 hour+ rainfall without stormsI don't really have a lot of experience with precise weather manipulation, I typically just use rain calling as a test case for spellforming since it's easy to verify. Theoretically I would probably want to put a cap on the amount of rain the thoughtform can attract at once. Usually I try to make energetic constructs broadcast as strongly as I can make them, but in this case you'd probably want to make it broadcast more subtly. I know that turnaround time for physical manifestation isn't strictly tied to the energetic output of the form, but they are conceptually related. You'd probably need to do some experimentation with increasing the speed or profundity of the spell's assertion without blowing out the magnitude. As for the duration of the weather event, that mostly has to do with the intention embedded in the spell. When I'm creating my spellforms I make it a point to ensure that they continue broadcasting at full strength after my attention leaves them, aka "casting" them out of my consciousness intact. Usually though there's a subconscious intention embedded that they stop broadcasting after the result manifests; to increase the duration of the weather I think you'd just need to get rid of this automatic shutoff intention.
Also if your goal is to make changes to the climate as a whole you'd probably be better off targeting the atmosphere in a more broad sense rather than causing specific individual weather events.
>If I think of rain the wind instantly turns cold and sometimes droplets manifest from the bright sky but that is not enoughThe wind and droplet thing actually happened to me as well when I activated my rain spell last evening. Like a sensation of a light sprinkling on my arms and face. It made me a bit disappointed because I thought the droplets were the start of an instant manifestation, but no, they just apparently came out of nowhere.
>My bottleneck was that I didn't understand "love". This is definitely an issue for me. I've grappled with this idea a lot in the past, could never fully understand it. I think the love/hate concept must have something to do with the metaphysical relationship between the self and the other but I can't grasp it completely. I don't think I've ever actually felt real "love" towards another person before, even family members. I've been trying to understand it in an intellectual sense but I don't think that's working. I'll probably need to do some sort of operation on my 'heart' to fix whatever the issue here is.