07/12/2022 (Tue) 00:06:01
Id: 4583f4
>>1724>dream that was some sort of propaganda, demonizing PutinProbably psiops from someone who doesn't like Putin. They kept trying to infiltrate my dreams to make me hate afro-americans for a long time. It was both delicately created in terms of landscape design and utterly idiotic in terms of its ability to change how I think. After I killed one of them the landscape fell apart into components, exposing layers of moving objects that had been visualized to initiate the dream illusion. What a waste of ability, I bet these units cost a lot to train. Still they can't defend themselves against a mere butcher
and they can't grasp that there are spirit races who have the right to kill which is intact when incarnated, so it doesn't create too much karma in the process either.
>Musk is a weird one, I can't tell if he's with the bankers or not, the man seems to be more about marketing than business.You have to look at the 4D entity/egregore behind him, it's actually very simple. Musk himself is a character who fit the desired slot, his mission is to make electric cars popular with the elite, serving as a catalyst to move away from oil as fuel and in the long game undermining the dollar and the American liberal world order. Now I said it but it won't change anything, it's too far gone. The prices of all types of fuel are too high as is. Maybe Musk contributed by putting strain on the electric grid but in the end it's like deploying a weapon system in war. It's just one component and the result may be successful for the wrong reason.