Sunflower 07/16/2022 (Sat) 15:32:38 Id: 2ad737 No.1749 del
(130.80 KB 750x1320 2XsAEjXSP.jpg)
>I took the spike hair from Virgil but in trying to make it broader conceptually I got associations with Dragonball character designs.
Oh, I tried to add something from DBZ characters to myself a few months ago, it didn't go very well.

>Probably not, this is custom made.
Nice, guess its unique then.

>Do try to use it and post your experiences with it so I can learn from this and improve in the future.
I tried wearing it, but I don't know if I managed to do it, I don't know if I understood how to wear it. Also had trouble sleeping which made it harder to experience it, this could take a while, but I'll be sure to report back if I manage to do it.

I assumed that some details may have come from the armor in this pic or a similar one, the fur in the arms may be to make the arms look bigger(I have thin arms) and the breastplate for a feeling of safety. I assumed the cloth tails where to hide my buttocks tbh, I don't like how male asses look in armor.