Sunflower 07/19/2022 (Tue) 23:28:22 Id: 9d7fb8 No.1795 del
>walking out from the mouth of some abyss monster. As I was wondering where did I see this I realized it's literally the birth of Venus
The opposite of entering the mouth of the beast. I wonder what is the meaning of this. This is another topic we talked with greys and others about a lot in the past few years. But normally I don't want to bring it up after one person just "lost it" and started a massive drama. There's an egregore which is triggered by the mere mention of the topic. Another person could feel it build up as rage within him, but was able to rationally talk about it and not let it take over. [Embed]

This was back when things were starting to collapse and weird people with balloons started appearing. In the end they turned out being associated with the UN which is a harvester of dirty energy. They ran it and collected all of it, then left. But it made me realize a few things. This is one of my favourite Gameboy games. See the image on the cartridge, and the way the part with the balloons holding her up has been accidentally torn off. She's about enter the mouth of the beast as a result.

It's about the Downtown/Uptown thing again, it happens to be a manifestion of the two ways to understand the Jesuit wave. Downtown being the lower where the general population live and Uptown the higher where the elites live, but today it's mostly associated with Uptown people doing the pizzagate stuff and Downtowners being Qtards.