Sunflower 08/06/2022 (Sat) 20:41:13 Id: 9f17da No.1878 del
He was relying more on the energetic support for stability, but maybe he was also "stretched" more. It looks the same as the common thing discussed among weight lifters:
If you stretch before lifting, your range of motion increases beyond your strong range, and you risk hurting yourself by moving into weak positions that were previously unavailable. The solution for this is to stretch, then exercise with light weight to build up the weak points and the problem is gone. But this takes time so many people prefer to stay stiff and not stretch as a safety measure.

It looks kind of like that, but maybe more like someone who trained using a machine with a fixed motion, now starting out with free weights. It'll be unstable at first because you never had to control the directions of the weights vs gravity, but you're still stronger.

In your case there is no such effect, it looks more like you gradually stopped relying on the support until it wasn't needed, which is why you told me to not give support anymore.