Sunflower 08/07/2022 (Sun) 19:33:39 Id: 2bbd35 No.1899 del
>I don't think there are any disadvantages compared to the alternative for humans.
I think that makes sense. I was just wondering if there are some drawbacks that can cripple ones advancement or limit one in some ways. So I guess being undead is to simply be outside the human alyer, either in the evil layer or in the chaos layer.
Btw, do you remember the immortality ring you once posted a long time ago? The one that makes another one immortal through the power of your own zero particle. Assuming I put the ring on somebody in my mind or on the astral (since the ring isn't physical), and the person dies. Will they be kept alive in a new energy body or will their old body reanimate again after death (in that case would I have to dig them out again after a burial?)? Also does it work on animals or pets?