Sunflower 08/25/2022 (Thu) 14:30 Id: d1b258 No.1970 del
>I then became aware of a girl wearing only a blanket and a sheet also hiding there. We were lying flat on the floor while the yelling and shooting increased outside. I saw through the window that there was a huge pile of deformed dead bodies in the yard. This made me so disgusted I started panicking with disgust and I said to myself "if I look at them more I could panic so much that I stop breathing, so I better not look more".
>The girl, who presented herself as the younger sister of one of the Ukrainians, then started some out of place flirting with me. She pulled the sheet aside and exposed her body, then said "I'm 14". I was still feeling sick from having seen the pile of dead bodies and only looked at her briefly. "They're very cute" I said (about her tits) but it was clear to both of us that I just said that to be nice and didn't find her especially attractive. The shooting outside intensified and I started crawling towards the next room for cover. I looked back at the girl and she stuck out her tongue straight forward in the pose equal to giving someone the middle finger. She then crawled after me into the next room. She put her finger over the lips with the meaning "stay silent", dropped the sheet on the floor and started getting physical with me. By this time I woke up, but the dream scenery stayed for a while like an overlay in my mind.
This was right in front of me the whole time. I just didn't make the connection. I really like the absolute silliness of this character. This is, a representation of the same girl I saw in the dream, "demon nature", also, the brain. The theme is about a science club, it was so obvious.

This scene here is also right on. Earlier we found that the wide conical chinese straw hats represent the astral form of Tritons, the immortal jellyfish who consist only of a brain with nerve endings. This is something similar with the skirt having the same form as such a hat, but placed lower. It also means the character is similarly sexless, same as the galaxy level Empusa.