Sunflower 08/25/2022 (Thu) 20:07 Id: d1b258 No.1974 del
Some of these images may be intentional hints.

Earlier when I was around 1 year into my Ashtanga yoga, Shiva appeared. He turned himself into a woman and gave birth to a son, who then turned into a girl. The girl Shiva stayed with me. Sometime during the time since, Kali appeared and stayed around to guide me. At one point earlier this year the kid female Shiva was messing around a lot and started transforming back and forth to show me "gender fluidity" by gradually transforming back and forth until I finally connected the dots of how this relates. The next time girl Shiva appeared, Kali said
>Shiva, lay it off!
and the real Shiva then appeared and it turned out the transforming child Shiva was a doll made from gong he had used to hint things at me. After this only Kali stays with me.