Sunflower 09/03/2022 (Sat) 19:13 Id: 489d7d No.1981 del
>Is this the same as the"cord cutting" of the old threads?
Mostly but not completely. The main reason is that this is standard ritual magic methodology. What was used to cut the cord by request in the previous threads was the astral imprint, also called an artifact, of a ritual knife created through specific past life conditions. Because this item cannot be shared through any popularised system, it cannot be the same. In short, there is one string left when using the ritual described in said document. I assume this is related to your physical life, cutting the cord using the knife was for those who passed the test of being able to become "undead". Cutting the cord completely for a regular person may kill them.

Teaching this early on would not be a good idea, as your disciple could die before reaching that standard. Even teaching it as part of a system, at all, would be kind of shaky at best. Someone may skip ahead and do this before it's safe, so they teach a reduced version in this course.

This is why you need to have a personal relation of some kind, once reaching higher levels. Someone who can tell for sure that it's safe can do it for you if you are unable to determine this. But from what the author says you are not allowed to organise groups with this system, it's course to do alone. That means no personal guidance unless you get it from the source (the authors or their partner in this case, I suppose).