09/03/2022 (Sat) 22:02
Id: 9e345b
Speaking of learning magic, it's been a common opinion that Soviet/Russian research into psionics is way ahead of the western variant. I had very little concept of the meaning of this because I had little contact with either of them. As for the "western" side of this, they've been almost entirely hostile, acting as the "orcs" themselves. After a while I got used to it and didn't expect more. Whatever the Chinese have is somewhat functional but in general they don't know what they're doing, they lack precision.
After recent experiences however, I have to say that no matter what you're seeing in the mainstream, here in the west, this is "by retards, for retards". They lack common sense and mere ordinary intelligence. They killed Micheal Aquino after he retired, because he "knew too much". Why would anyone want to support an organization that kills their own when they're done working with them?? Someone invests their entire life into research, and as thanks they get murdered. I don't think I'm the only one who got desensitized by living in a society where these things are considered normal. This is why there is no connect between traditional western magic and the modern, scientific method. They can not learn from each other, because of this arrogant, insane, attitude from those who believe in the "rational" approach.
To end this rant, what I wanted to say is that I've experienced the Russian version of psionics, and the level of refinement compared to the American' can't even be conveyed in a text like this. It is of no relevance what the Russians do publicly, how they look, what image we get in western media, there is no western nation who can do anything to them. They are that powerful, from systematized magic alone.
I can't tell what they use from the outside, but it seems like an advanced type of kabbalah. There is really nothing more to say. This was over before it started, it'll just take a while for everyone to see it.