09/03/2022 (Sat) 22:36
Id: 8fb419
>>1982>Everything needs a lot of corrections, addendums, and explanations, but I'm not gonna bother writing corrections that will themselves need corrections soon enough.I found this the most infuriating thing on the path.
First you want to help like you were helped on the path at the beginning then you start to realize your "own" designs then you realize those were realized by others then you let go of them because they are better "ways" to do things then you realize those are suboptimal but they were a necessary first steps on the path.
>Magic has 2 rules: it's all in your head, and you make the rules. Reality is subjective, and you are the subject, what you perceive is real.Oversimplyfying it in the beginning is a big hurdle on the path. Then later on the path you see how this oversimplification is actually an overcomplication. But then again it helps some... while not helping others at all.
Currently I want to write about nothing. or NO-THING. Because I finally found out what they mean about the "invisible light of god". But it would be a fucking essay about "nothing". Literally every Sage and Master figures this shit out. Why even bother writing it down. The question is not How will we understand nothing but WHEN?
But yeah a fucking wordcellism that looks cringe in the moment we hit New Reply. But if it really meant something it will help someone. I am starting to realize the fool is the best card in the tarot. First it looks like the worst but without him we would never start our journey. Everyone that ever did something was a fool.
>>1983magic research is fundamentally self destructive so it can be kept in the "shadows". Public magic or "psionic" research can only work with a fucking messiah tier person in the team.
>advanced type of kabbalahI also want to write down the shit I went through to grasp how that works but it's literally a word salad of how to overcome misconceptions that we were taught by the ever evolving "religions" but it's so pointless.
But then again maybe I will figure out what I want to say and I will write it down. Sometimes posting a random reaction pic is causing an enlightenment for someone.
This "shared" "reality" is a joke. But thankfully I can still laugh.
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