Sunflower 09/04/2022 (Sun) 00:08 Id: 59c0bb No.1987 del
>writing about nothing
I did a bit of deeper ontological writing myself, though I haven't posted it anywhere yet. Mostly for the same reason, it's something that a normie won't get, but an adept will shrug at. Actual inexistence, though, is something even masters might not have any notion of. It's something that normally you shouldn't even be able to imagine, by virtue of you existing. It's also one of those things that might just cause you to zero-sum if you comprehend it but aren't anchored to your ego well enough.
>they are still hiding their "toys"
>the first to show their powerlevel has the highest chance to lose in the long run
For the West just the existence of those toys being public would probably collapse the entire thing. What would happen to Russia if galfed battlecruisers blotted out the Sun one morning? What would happen to the states in the same case?
It's also the threat from within. The collapse of western civilization is a short-term goal of many spoopy practitioners and circles. Russia doesn't have to lift a finger for the West to come under magical attack.