09/04/2022 (Sun) 20:22
Id: f0668a
>>1993> If ayylmaos enter there might be other "parties" that might enter earth because they have "stakes" in this planet that they don't want to lose. Everyone is currently tiptoeing around because the "big players" are still silently sit in the corners.I'm more and more seeing how this planet is, for various reasons, very difficult to invade or land on if you're an alien. Right now there is a way to come here, but directly into our 3D? Nah, it's too ethereal. We're a strange kind trying to be angels while wrestling with all kinds of lust, desires and dirt. It's causing a huge fall out of souls who cannot be saved, but for those who make it, it produces outstanding individuals.
A downright invasion will almost certainly not happen. There was that thing someone said on /x/
>earth is one out of 7 planets who still has the 'simple problems'I kept wondering what those are, and what kind of problems others face. It seems, from having seen a number of planets now, to come down to a few points:
>equal resource distributionEveryone on the planet must have a guaranteed share, the robber's capitalism cannot be used as a principle.
>unified leadershipYep. If you're a technological planet like ours, there has to be a world government. It's not acceptable to have different regions fighting each other.
>resource protectionThis is a very important point. The Galactic Federation absolutely hate anyone who destroys resources. Resources are for everyone in the galaxy, destroying them without even producing anything is the most serious crime. It's not allowed to do so for any reason, even during war. Resources also mean the flora and fauna and the population itself. It's not that it's wrong to kill animals or murder people, or that it's wrong to harm the biological diversity
in itself. It's wrong because all of those are assets which can be used to produce value and make everyone's lives richer.
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