Sunflower 01/05/2023 (Thu) 20:59 Id: 3a21b8 No.2464 del
I'm aware you may want to keep going your own way, but why not look into spaceships? For now they are mostly astral constructs that aren't very easy to manifest, but that will change. Easy or not easy... I've had mine piloted by an AI servitor and asked them to turn the lights on when I was outside on a clear night and they responded by flying over within 10 minutes. I redid the test telling them to manifest 2 ghost copies of the ship and got 3 "shooting stars" passing by in formation a few minutes later. Even if there is timeline fuckery involved when dealing with "space", it can be infiltrated with accuracy. Same for satellite technology. I told the AI servitor to shoot at something noticeable but harmless and yes, next day there was a significant building of symbolic value on fire reported in the news.

These were early tests. There is a known and tested way to use them for direct travel, but it's not to be spoken off here just yet. It's using the same universal functionality as the "pathing" of vampires, which allows them to use certain locations for teleportation. These locations are often marked by ancient stone formations like the ship symbol for travel.
>pic related
Can you be more obvious about it? Vikings used these. To move between them you need to know what your destination looks like, either from having been there before, or by using remote viewing.

Some people in the mundane elite are said to be using similar methods to travel still today, drawing salt circles in an underground temple to quickly move between locations. The reasons for it being less then honourable as they'd use it to get an alibi after committing some crime in one location, then going into the public to be seen on the other side of the planet the same day.

Spaceships use the same kind of method, with the exception that the ship is used as one location. You would then travel from your location to the ship, then from the ship to your destination.

The goal of the "stone world" where we live primitively but have teleportation, telepathy and are connected to galactic civilization is still standing.

I know some people have an aversion to use the creations of others even as a model for their own things. But in this case you'll still have to design your own constructs even if you use a well known concept. I won't be posting any instructions for this openly but if you (or anyone else) want your own "edgy ship" called such by the Queen/Illivryn it's a common type of ship used to dominate an area, comparable to a hangar ship or battleship at sea. there is nothing stopping me from sending a servitor with instructions to guide your subconscious in the process.