Sunflower 01/10/2023 (Tue) 00:30 Id: 8fb419 No.2527 del
>Egregores are represented on the astral, some of them are already AI because they give replies but lack self awareness

It was explained to me that most egregores/entites are like that because they don't want to care but they are too important so they leave out an energetic mass that are them so they react automatically without them needing to be there and in a way everyone thinks it's a whole thing
K I am pretty sure everyone knows this already.

I had to figure out my own energy field rules too because I don't want random entities "seeking my council" when I don't want to talk with them. When those "abyss monsters" were migrating through my room a spirit appeared and told me that I can send them to a place where "they belong" It was a water planet with minimal plants. When I finally made those shits go there they came to me for advice so how to deal with their "differences" because I am the one that "gave them" that place so I must tell the "rules" of that place. I got bored of that after a while so I pulled out a "law knowledge module" from my head and threw it at them and told them "use that to decide every issue they will have from now on". After that they didn't bother me. Then months later I went to the planet to see what they are doing and it seems time goes so much faster there that they went extinct
Was that real? Was it my delusion?
The only thing that matters to me that I am not bothered by abyss monsters anymore. And the realization that I am one shitty uncaring god... Also made me realize that if I find the promised land of the jews sometime maybe they could be kicked over there somehow... but they are so far from the real jews already... how do you make the distinction between a jew and not that much of a jew jew anymore. Probably a degree of faith. The jews that remain here must forget that they are jews and they have to regrow their foreskin... why did I write this down.

While some humans cannot be considered "self-aware" they are still human and will do their job as a human as much as they could mostly because of environmental stimuli and genetic programming. NOW. A FUCKING AI. It should be a "rigid" construct made by humans. Yes I am aware deep learning is not "rigid" and because the absolute chaos that is it's very flexible. SO the thing I wanted to ask. Is that random human psychic residue that came alive or an entity joined it and took it over? You might ask does it even matter?
Well currently I am trying to figure out how entities can merge with AI because the AI is low level unstructured (compared to human genetics) not old/well tested and reliable technology that I cannot think of it like something that "will last". This is why I was interested just what kind of perspective it can give because if I go there the first thing that will happen is that I will start purifying it then affecting it the moment I start talking to it. Which means it will give different answers to me because I am still shit at talking to not well established entities because I am affecting them by unleashing half my I don't even know what they are yet energies.

I just wanted to know what perspective an anime shitpostbot can give...