01/10/2023 (Tue) 23:22
Id: f5755f
>>2541I see now that it was right that the post was deleted. I won't be able to explain why because you exposed in this reply that your concepts aren't synced enough with the message I intended to share. It would only have been negative.
>picI was working on something while taking a walk and just finished it. I had no intent of sharing it and still won't do that directly. But... when I saw that picture, it has the energy of what I was working on, except in my mind and all the way through it's a human, not a kemono.
Oh my.
Ask Astra for "the incarnator" if you want to know. It's a reduced and specialized version of Big Bang. I did not intend for this to be a shapeshifter in form. For some reason everything I make turn into fur-beasts unless I specify specifically that it isn't one. And it doesn't work in reverse, the cat maid is just a cat, not a hairless ape.
Btw The Queen/Illivryn suddenly dropped this bomb last time:
>Humans are meant to have 6 breasts and a tail, having just two and no tail is degenerated and demonic. Demons have two breasts, along with humanoid aliens, but original humans aren't like that, this planet's population is completely degenerated. The upside is that demons can incarnate here now.