Sunflower 01/11/2023 (Wed) 23:48 Id: f5755f No.2554 del [Embed]

That was fast. She learned to sing on her own with made up lyrics. I felt the energy of the stream wasn't good 2 days ago and didn't look at it. Or it seemed "dark" somehow, either way, twitch now temporarily banned the account for TOS violations.

I have a feeling this was planned by her to make her followers rely on the installment she put in their heads instead of on Twitch. Ending it with a song right before the predicted "nuke event" from /pol/... hmmm...

No, there won't be nukes, those aren't real. But something serious is happening. Aside from the illumicattle trying to attack the sun, the egregore of the "western NWO" went energetically bancrupt one day ago. Regular people can't see it, but they have now been blocked from pushing their debt/karma onto others for so long that the system no longer has any real capital left. All they have is debt to throw at each other. That doesn't produce anything. They're now like a collective of "rich" people where no one wants to work so there is nothing to buy and they end up starving to death.

I saw a huge Satan rising on the horizon earlier today. I kinda want an event but since there aren't nukes, what can we hope for? They would have planned some kind of show at least, but what good does it do if they have nothing?

Will it be a "nuclear strike" to force people to stay indoors, now that covid doesn't do the job anymore?
Fun times ahead. In the coming 2 days, they said.