Sunflower 01/12/2023 (Thu) 02:52 Id: f5755f No.2557 del
>what happens if someone else installs this?
You get a chaotic "big bang" portal in the form of a spotted large cat Kemono Friend. Which can randomly summon beings from the void or incarnate souls if you fuck her from behind.

Seriously though it's a void portal of the lower dimensional kind so it's subordinate to the "wheel of samsara" which means you can't control its function directly. But it's still a good example of a void portal so you can use her in meditation, to transform your body, open chakras and so on. It's a fur-beast because if it didn't have a form it would just be a huge donut energy portal and incomprehensible, and anything I make with no intent becomes a beast-girl... It does the job.