Sunflower 01/13/2023 (Fri) 21:15 Id: 8fb419 No.2579 del
K fine this exploding knee meme gave me such a blast from the past that now I want to know
>I tried making a shapeshifting spell.
What did this entail. How did you want to shapeshift. On astral? In reality?
I am not trying to make fun of you (even tho I am still laughing about that someone was able experiencing exploding knees rofl)
The legs contain multiple "animals". I have seen that ecosystem by myself. And truth is that I didn't open my "knee chakras" yet. I mean first half of the guided meditation sequences I have with entities is still about pressing pressure points on the foot before doing mudras with the fingers. The legs contain many things and I need to release the energies so my body gains the "proper posture". (Truth is shapeshifting is about doing the proper energetic structure for the new shape you want to take up then letting the other "cosmetic parts" come upon your body. But it's not like I am big on shapeshifting)