Sunflower 01/22/2023 (Sun) 03:02 Id: 4e81cf No.2761 del
>there is selfish selflessness and selfless selfishness
>Selfish selflessness when you want something but if that happens it benefits a lot of people not just you (or if it happens to you you will use that benefit to help others either human or spiritual).
>And sometimes they will tell you why it is better to not meddle with things. Not just because it's not allowed but because letting some things happen is necessary.
Interesting, I have no idea what I'm not allowed to do or what needs to happen that I shouldn't change, nor if I'm allowed to do similar things to the surrounding countries, I think I might be allowed to since they are all in cahoots with what is going on. All of the same corrupt gang as far as I know.

>Also I am pretty sure you have some sort of hidden connection to the local energies already. Hard to explain. It's Fate.
I've seen a few Indian entities before, I don't know about what kind of beings they are so I avoid them.

If you want to get into this spiritual war, ask Astra for the "indoctrinator" module.
Could you tell me how this works or how I'm allowed to use it? I understand if you don't want to say it here.