Sunflower 01/22/2023 (Sun) 18:17 Id: 8fb419 No.2766 del
And when I say I am doing nothing that doesn't exactly mean nothing. What I am doing is instead of indoctrination it's a "dedoctrination". I realized I don't want to continue indoctrinating people. I don't want "retarded slaves" that need to be micromanaged constantly. They create as much value as I assign to them. I want to focus on the path and not waste my time with them. Entities like that I am not wanting to make some past life mistakes again so I figured out what is the most simple (and the hardest) solution. It's funny because it correlates with your thing but slightly different. I will just increase the power output of the entities and they will "get back" their people. And to do that I have to master "their power" and bring it to "this world". Shiva the ultimate reality. Destruction but only the energies that keep them in the "prison of their mind". People can be smart but you need to destroy everything that makes them dumb. And no I am not saying ban every media. Just make people see how dumb that it is. And it's working around me for a while. I realized making long rants and speeches all the time is tiring. And no not the "you ruined the family reunion with blaming the jews kind of way" but the people agree with you when the conversation ends way. Too much effort too little effect. You are just washing out their brainwashing. I will simply make them get rid of that themselves. The nature of free will gets weird on the higher levels. But you can make people realize it. It's not that I am "burning karma" but making sure people will absolve their karma by realizing that they can do something good/useful instead of suffering constantly for being retards. I am not saying it works all the time and some people need to suffer before they awaken. My "old" methods put too much strain on my being. This will not. Anathema is not just eternal destruction. It's a weapon... more like a power source that can kill a god. But in reality you cannot kill a god. Only those who pretend to be one. I am not advocating passive resistance here. I am activating my true power here because wasting my destiny in a meaningless war where in the best case scenario I become a "legend" but I will die with the feeling that I wasted yet an another life on meaningless shit like this is not gonna happen again. Only slaves want slaves. I want proper people around me that I can trust that they will be proper people when I am not seeing their actions. I realized I cannot save people who want to die.
And I talked to entities about this and some people just so disconnected from their "source" that existence is the most painful thing for them. You either reconnect them or let them die. The inbetween is to "enslave them by giving them a purpose" is something entities like to do but eh... Maybe if I am really bored and have nothing better to do. I always had dreams when I am on a journey and people follow me but they always died around me left and right and only I remained in the end. I will decide what I will do with this later on.