Sunflower 01/22/2023 (Sun) 20:13 Id: ad4b94 No.2778 del
>they almost made me vomit
Activating that reflex is a legit exercise in the Pradipika, it's perhaps one of the single most powerful exercises. No, this is not a "beginner" book even if you can begin with it. These exercises are super powerful, they are just simple in execution. And yes, it can be good to actually bring yourself all the way to throw up when doing this one.

I never contacted most of these entities, and I never asked them anything. It was more that I was training on my own and they would appear and silently comment on something or look at me like they were saying
>what are you up to?
It's something I took seriously in FD, to not pay any attention to whatever entities appear, because they can be illusions. Being very strict about this seems to attract tricksters.

I only ever summoned succubus and different assistant beings who are ok with being bossed around, until I decided to start looking into the Goetia related demons because it was the one thing I hadn't done. And I don't do this because I want something in specific from them, I'm just interested in who they are.