Sunflower 01/22/2023 (Sun) 20:36 Id: 8fb419 No.2779 del
I am eating dark chocolate in the last hours...

I mean I knew this will happen when the tower of Babel will properly work. This is it's main purpose. Syncing worlds and events in the most harmonious way. This is why if it collapses it creates/unleashes utter chaos.

>This may be on case by case basis
Well those djinn tried to use me for a "greater plan" and they didn't exactly tell me the details.
>they must become djinn
Yeah and vedic gods didn't want that to happen. It's not my path.
And yeah I can summon djinn if I want but random djinn is not allowed to enter to pester me with their "great ideas"

>My country is just me
Yeah I realized I don't really want that to happen again
It's sad to see everything to collapse when you "leave"

>No, this is not a "beginner" book
I know...

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