Sunflower 01/30/2023 (Mon) 21:22 Id: 8fb419 No.2859 del
(55.88 KB 840x2211 Gave her the moon.gif)
I even noticed the purple lights at sunsets some months ago. And yeah the sun has "layers". For me it looked like 7 or 9 suns behind each other. But I only noticed it when I had an "emergency grounding" meditation. I didn't really look at the sun since that with an "inquiring eye". I am trusting the plan after all.

I am too "sun sexual" anyways. That light just makes us blind to the real light. Reality is an illusion but you cannot go into the "Ultimate reality" as long your body contains "faulty illusions". I am working with my water element for a while now. The first part of the lesson was that the water we have on earth is nothing like the water element. The nature of illusions. The moon. The light of the moon is just a reflection of the sun and the moon is a planetary body but not a planet.

Not to mention I just learned that I cannot handle water as an "opposing element" to the fire. It's polarity is like the pentagram. You can understand elements by the relation to other elements.

First it was understanding the water-ether similarities then yesterday how water "exists" above the clouds on a mountain. How to breathe water that is so pure it doesn't even turn into a cloud. And you can burn that energy. When you burn hydrogen you create water. It's not rocket science... or is it?

Teaching the body how to "breathe" these energies sure is fun.
>entity tells you to breathe in
>but with your body and not the lungs
>then when the body breathed that in you can breathe with your lungs too

Hard to put things into words. Especially because I know a bunch of breathing yoga is about this and I should look into those sometimes.

>achieved a divinity status

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