Sunflower 01/31/2023 (Tue) 21:09 Id: 8fb419 No.2867 del
>of the top
>of western elites
>of ritual magic

If that was the case we wouldn't be in a deep shit since the 2000s. I can't even figure out when did they lost "their way". It was either 100 years ago or 300. 500 years ago they had their shit together.
>This is why you're losing to Russia
Even worse. This incompetence of theirs signaled Putin that he is in the best position to attack now or never in the last year. And since that it's more and more incompetence piling up. And while this looks like a
>half ritual
this is "their" "method". I don't even want to talk about it because it just dumb and everyone just fucks over everyone and when they realize that there are no winners here only just losers and bigger losers it's too late.

Where was the ritual even performed. USA? Europe? or the accursed England? or some colonial island/secret location?

I don't even know why do I care. They are like an old collapsing building that nobody cares to fix anymore for the weirdest and dumbest reasons.

Always wondered if they have a "true master(mind) that let's them do whatever to prove they are worthy of being the NWO but it seems they are just proving themselves to be more worthless and expendable than the cheapest of pawns