02/02/2023 (Thu) 19:25
Id: 91b8f8
>>2884Mars and Saturn are the only two natural bodies aside from Earth in our solar system, but Mars was a planet and Saturn a star. Burning both of them means the end of all the past elements of this planetary system. Nibiru was the planet of the proto humans who we know as greys. They filled the entire planet with technology and genetically modified their bodies until they became the insectoids we know. They also came here and created the moon. The moon is an immortal object and serves as an anchor to the physical for the grey race. No matter what happens, the moon will make sure they remain.
New Nibiru is a replica created in cooperation with Lyran seeders. It's a fully artificial planet in that it was not created on initiative of a creator god in the traditional sense. But then, some consider the lyrans to be creator gods so maybe it counts still. The difference is that it was recreated by emulating original grey DNA and using technology down here instead of a god using their void magic.
It may be seen as an artificial planet by now, but it perfectly emulates the original grey culture. It can be seen with regular telescopes, someone on /x/ took pictures of it once in the past two years.