Sunflower 02/22/2023 (Wed) 18:20 Id: 8fb419 No.3036 del
>Red Alert [Embed]
I have only played the third but yeah I am aware that all the games have the "timeline fuckery" as the origin of their plot.
RTS games are so dead nowadays I might play the old ones sometimes.

So you are saying that the Mammoth idea is absolutely not part of the "mainstream" (yes I am aware that you posted how it appears some places but I am talking about the concept itself not just as a "reference" to that concept) and this show >>3033 named it that "out of nowhere".

Also about communism...
Since Stalin every "communism" is just a different flavor of statism so... Everyone can (not) be a commie. Every commie was about
>only my version of communism is real communism your version is just a retarded bloody system of oppression

and about the "Mindwave"
So the main problem with it that it always tries to "go back into itself" and it is "short circuiting" or "trapping" itself in it by making an "unproductive loop" which never learns?
Yeah I am noticing even more problems with this mindwave now.

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