>>3140Intresting toughts. Be warned of long rambling text ahead.
"Lucifer" is a word used for the latin translation of the bible and usually doesn't even appear for the translation in other languages. It's used both to refer to a great king in the book of Isaiah and to Jesus in the Book of Revelations.
I'm not a scholar, but my guess is that it's a title/adjective meaning great importance and bringer of wisdom, referencing the simbolic importance of the planet Venus as it is briefly visible before dawn.
Even if that's not originally the intent, if you call for "Lucifer", someone will answer. Similar to "Baphomet", which didnt even initially refer to anyone at all. Maybe spirits related to Christianity wanted a way to guide edgy teens who hate their strict parents' belief system?
This reminds me of the similarities between Jesus and a Amaterasu. Both of them get stuck in a cave for a while and and both are considered "solar"/"Tipheret" entities by some practicioners.
The simbolic meaning of the cave, from what I gathered, is a personal challenge of some spiritual paths. "When all you are is pure light, everything around you is darkness". When you move your mind to "behind the scenes of reality", you are confronted with the limiless void's painful "lonelyness" and desire to create a limited reality to live with itself.
The answer? Acording the Amaterasu legend it's a party to get your attention and a mirror to look at yourself, going back into seeing light, simbolically speaking.
The question "Is entity A equal to entity B?" is weird. You could say that their archetypes fit, but a "God" is also has the power and properties of it's practicioners.
I used to believe in the chaos magick perspective where every god is just a really powerful toughform, but now I see them as groups of beings or beings capable of being more than one place at once that just respond by that name, similar to how you can call a Uber driver and and have no ideia who exactly will show up, but they are capable of driving you where you want to go. Yet I would say that all "true beings" are capable of eventually growing/evolving to a point where they can fill that "god" role.
Maybe it's a mix of all theories I just presented and something more. I would love to get some comments from toughts from others as well.