Sunflower 05/27/2023 (Sat) 22:01 Id: ab85b4 No.3397 del
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Thanks for the fountain of knowledge. I'll think about it, maybe respond with some updates or thoughts.
>I had a sleep paralysis once. When it happened I was happy.
>Nice I cannot wait to be molested by my cute weird scary sleep paralysis gf
>It was a fat dude instead and it sat on me. It made me so fucking mad that I realized that
Interestingly, I had a weak sleep paralysis today and felt things building up "in the right areas", thinking I would get sucked off. Then I tried perceiving the entity, and it was some weird, grotesque mass. After an attempt at trying to get it to look like a hot girl, it formed into a blank white mask with a broad grin staring at me. After that, I jumped up and reminisced about my bad luck. :(