Sunflower 05/31/2023 (Wed) 19:55 Id: 8fb419 No.3418 del
>My best guess is that the waves are simply products of a hypnagogic state
Yes also No. The sun gives us a sort of "false light". When the sun is up we can't see the other stars because it's "blinding us". You need to get out of the "false light perception" to see the other lights that "move reality". There are way too many so don't worry about it and some of them just means you are "awakening something new".
>The white smoke is a bit more difficult, since it also rarely appears out of nowhere and hits me
My best guess that is your "guardian spirit". But it can get real complicated what it can be because it is and will be many things as you advance.
>something that impairs because of the subconscious construct that limits the movement just by looking at it
Your eyes are a sort of "energy beam guns" by default. Energy goes where attention goes. You have to realize how the "Invisible" moves when someone "Looks at them". It's not exactly a fault in your subconscious but more of a "safety check system". Unlocking all safeties is dangerous when you don't have a proper handling yet.
>just 100% "consistency", like moving my arm
Ahahahahaha. You are unable to move your arms the same way twice. Little differences will always happen. Your muscles do things differently in different mental emotional stages not to mention when they get "tired". Being aware of my etheric and physical muscles and how they "overlap" then how they "divert" is my current challenge. Not to mention that entities showed me how I "command" with an extremely potent and raw energy and I need to get rid of that and make it "softer" because as my energy levels go up handling this will be more and more dangerous.
>learning to walk after being paralyzed for some time
Hmmm. Your perspective is almost spot on but you need to go a little "deeper". You need to realize how a baby moves his limbs when it's still in the womb and all he hears is the serenity of the "endless sea". He is in the perfect place of existence he has to do nothing but exist and grow and he still wants to break it HE WANTS TO MOVE. Not easy. I had to realize how many mindwaves of my mind got "corrupted" since my childhood. It needs to come out effortless while the only thing this life "indoctrinated into us" that we need effort for everything
>but I have the reservation that this could mean a fallback in terms of actually doing TK.
First it's a "take a step back to look at the big picture.
Then you are gonna take a few more steps back so you can run gain momentum and make the greatest leap of faith in your development. Yes this might hinder your TK but sadly and I am saying this with extreme sincerity because I fucking love these "party tricks" and I want to show everyone how amazing the powers of the mind are but... these are distractions on the path. When you get deeper in meditation you will see why it's like that way. But don't worry the "Principles" you learned with TK so far can be applied to many places on the path. It was not in vain. But it will feel that your physical TK gets weaker because all this "skill" will be "used" for "other obstacles" for a while.

A female nurse/nun style entity appeared while I was half asleep some days ago because I managed to open a quite complicated energy circuit system and she said "It's way too overactive". So she "re-sealed it". I can now open it when I want it but the point is that "it needs to close itself" when I don't want to use it. The problem is not just "energy waste" but it "Hinders the development" of other circuits if it's too active.

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