Sunflower 06/01/2023 (Thu) 19:36 Id: 8fb419 No.3433 del
>It it possible to 'download' or otherwise integrate this genetic information
The answer is a yes to this so far.
>from a foreign source
Now this is the "tricky" part. It must not be foreign. Because if it counts "foreign" in "any way" your "being" will reject it. It's like organ transplantation. If your body rejects the "foreign organ" then you are dead. And even if your body "accepts it" you need immune suppressants for the rest of your life because some part of your body "will know" that this does not "belong here". This is why you have to sync to the uttermost perfection with the "source". This is why sexual relations and other type of "marriages" with spirits is common in many legends. That way it's no longer "foreign".
Now to the next important bit. I realized that if we even have an "inclination" towards the path/occult/psionics then we usually have an "Inherent source" already which is just "trying to wake up" and sometimes that is what gives us the "drive" itself. This is why interacting with spirits or the other world in "any way" sometimes just "kickstarts" the process but you need to "walk through it" "by yourself".
Also this is completely true but only go for paths where you know that "This is your calling". On "deeper paths" you will be truly thrown into the "void" and if you have doubts you will get lost and the best you can do is to "come back where you started". When in the "deep end" you have to see the light which will "reveal itself" when it is "ready" or you are "ready to see it". Can't recommend any path and any entity because most of them just "found me" on their own.
It's just I didn't have time to truly focus on my path before. This is why they "left me alone" "back then".
>Spirits or alternate realities or something?
Yes yes yes btw.
Vedas Greys Reptilians Demons Alternate reality (You) Higher self Jesus Rasputin Yokai Sages and any god you want or you know all the weird fucking tech BO constantly posts. They also work. The effectiveness depends on your compatibility and development tho. They are also have "pathworking" functions. The grey tech really helped me to wire some parts of m brain in the start. They are super psychic human autismos after all with a lot of genetic fuckery going on. It's just they reached a sort of "stagnation" with it and "Looking for more" and it bothers them how some humans "awaken" suddenly and able to do everything at once. They are collecting data about that for a while