09/16/2023 (Sat) 15:36
Id: a852d6
Positioning of the moon
There's something to add to the previously shared pink/red orb for creating the white spike. I was wondering exactly how to make it as effective as that seen on the older vampires, aside from just having more time on it. What is the exact function causing its effectiveness? I've concluded since long that a fairly weak something, no matter what, can become very effective and strong when placed correctly in relation to the system its used in. There is an exact function for this, very mechanical, but hard to explain because the mechanics aren't physical.
It relates to the state of being within something or being excluded. You can maybe compare it to any social situation where there is a definite line determining this. Some examples to make it concrete:
The prisoner on the inside of the wall after being given a "guilty" verdict, versus the guy who was given the "not guilty" verdict. They may be essentially the same, but their states are completely different.
The citizen of a nation, vs the non-citizen. They can be the same person, but their lives have completely different conditions when living in the same area.
Last example, because this is a common online topic: the biological female vs the tranny. The bio female can be ugly, fat and repulsive, and the tranny can be refined and feminine, but the fact remains that one of them is a biological female and the other is not.
The little detail which determines if the white spike produced from the red orb of vampirism is strong or not, is this kind of external, but very important line.
In an attempt at producing the correct state, I will share this spell, formulated in Atlanthean:
Irri Tou, Zerith. Zi-it Bar-r.
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